This application is a tool for those trying to find professionals and companies specializing in infertility and human reproduction.This platform is part of a project called I just discovered - IVF and its secrets. We carefully select the supporters (doctors and companies in the area) and offer discounts on various services.In the App I Just Discovered, you can find professionals and companies such as:• Human reproduction doctors;• Urologists specialized in male infertility;• Psychologists;• Nutrologists;• Laboratories, among othersIn order to give more security to those trying to choose their assisted reproduction doctor, a urologist for her husband or even a good laboratory, the Project Team I Just Discovered - IVF and its secrets evaluates and invites, to support the project, those who really meet the expectations of the tempting. However, soon, you, users of the platform, will be able to evaluate your consultation or procedure performed with any project professional.This is one of the updates you will be able to see soon, but get ready! Much more is coming.Procedures that can be found here:Laboratory testsIVF- In vitro fertilizationIIU - Intrauterine insemination or artificial inseminationProgrammed coitusSurgeries related to female or male infertilityDoctors appointmentsWe are still starting to expand the project, so supporters are concentrated in São Paulo, capital and Rio de Janeiro.However, many other Brazilian states will soon be served.We hope you enjoy. Everything here is done with a lot of love!